Goodness gracious! Technology has kicked my rear lately… one of the main reasons I am learning to blog is because I really want my clients/customers to know ‘me’ and not that I just listed or closed on a property. I know the generations of baby boomers, gen xers, gen yers, millennials and so on and that each group has a preferred style of communication. And I realize a large group will use the internet for most things. While trying to update my website, I have since learned about host sites, online chats, HTMLs, etc. My brain is on overload. And more than a few times a week I will comment to friends and family how much I miss the days even before flip phones!
The reality is that I have to know URLs, passwords, and hyperlinks. BUT when I ask my teenagers and their friends to help me they do not know how! Sorry to throw my people under the bus but how is it they moves those fingers ninety to nothing texting and snap chatting but cannot help me with my Word Press site? Are they lying so they don’t have to help the old lady?
Picture me here!

Or do they truly not know more than I do as far as SEOs, widgets and plug ins?

Since they are of no help, what do I do? Call customer service and wait on hold forever.. Only to feel like an idiot.

While I still am not sure what a cookie is I have come a long way trying to stay hip and current. I respect computer people such as developers, designers, artist. My stubborn self will keep trying and learning (thanks to youtube!) to perfect my website. And maybe one day still I will trade my smart phone in for a fantastic flip phone!
Here is my website in development stages!!!! (and yes, I know I can pay to have this done for me but did I mention I am stubborn and cheap)